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    Board of Education
    123 Whisler Drive, Willard, OH 
    High School/Middle School
    One Flashes Ave, Willard, OH
    Willard Elementary School
    One Flashes Ave, Willard, OH 
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Home of the Crimson Flashes

Health Services

Health Services

I am a Registered Nurse who is also licensed with the State of Ohio as a School Nurse.  I am licensed in Vision and Hearing screening through the Ohio Department of Health.  My goal is to ensure the health and safety of all the students and all the staff at Willard City Schools.  Having everyone under the same roof does increase the risk of your student becoming sick.  If you want to contact me, please call the school your student attends and leave a message. I will return your call as soon as possible. You may also contact me by email at [email protected].

Willard High/Middle School 419-935-0181
Willard Elementary School 419-935-5341



Meningococcal (MCV4): One dose entering 7th grade and one dose entering 12th grade.

Polio: Final dose of polio vaccine is required on or after their 4th birthday.

MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella): Kindergarten through twelfth grade students must have two doses of the vaccine.

Hepatitis B: Kindergarten through twelfth grade students must have received a three-dose series of the vaccine.

Varicella (Chickenpox): Kindergarten through ninth grade students must have received two doses of varicella vaccine. Tenth through twelfth grade students must have received one dose of varicella vaccine.

Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis): Grades 7-12: One dose required prior to starting school.

DTaP/DT/Td (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis): Kindergarten: must have four or more doses of DTaP or DT, or any combination required; one of those doses must be after their fourth birthday.  Grades 1-12: Four or more doses of DTaP or DT, or any combination.  Three doses of Td or a combination of Td and Tdap for children ages 7 and up.

Mercy Hospital Clinic
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