Transportation Facts:
Size of district: 80 square miles
Number of Buses: 18
Total daily miles: 1031 miles
Number of drivers: 11
Average Bus Driver's Experience: 11 years
Number of Mechanics: 2
Cost to maintain: $92,419 (Approved for use by the Ohio State Highway Patrol during their annual fleet inspection)
Number of students bused on regular routes: 717
One Mile Limit:
Generally, the Willard School District provides bus transportation to students living more than one mile (1) from the school the student is assigned. Buses follow a time schedule which usually does not vary for pick-up or drop-off to any great degree from year to year. Bus routes will be similar to those routes which were run last school year. Bus routes consist of two (2) runs. A High School, Middle School and Parochial School route and elementary routes. Transportation is also provided to and from PCTC. Many routes have bus stops assigned which require the student to walk to an assigned location to ride a bus. All transportation students are assigned a particular bus with specific pick-up and drop-off points. Students must have a note signed by the parent and approved by the building Principal to permit other students to ride with your child or temporarily change the pick-up and drop-off points. Students are dropped-off from the same location they were picked-up unless specific other locations are approved by the Transportation Office.
Bus Stops, Schedules, and Routes:
Contrary to the belief of many students and parents, the bus driver is not required to wait on tardy students. Bus routes are established on a time schedule and students should know what their scheduled pick-up time will be. Bad weather is not an excuse for not being at a bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time. Occasionally, buses will not be on schedule due to weather conditions.
We recognize the need for parents to have their children picked up or dropped off at a babysitter or daycare. However, with certain restrictions, transportation will be available if the bus is traveling a normally assigned route past the babysitter or daycare. Approval must be given by the Transportation Supervisior. You should call the Transportation Office to discuss details of this type of request.