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    123 Whisler Drive, Willard, OH 
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    One Flashes Ave, Willard, OH
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    One Flashes Ave, Willard, OH 
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Final Forms Login



The Willard City Schools no longer uses a paper-based form system. Instead, student/parent forms are completed online using Final Forms. You are asked to complete Emergency Medical,  Acceptable Use Policy, and other required forms by visiting First, you will need to set up a parent account. To do so, select “NEW ACCOUNT” located under the Parent icon (see below) and follow the steps to enroll. Please take a few minutes to do that as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation. 

Complete all the required fields, including whether or not you would like the option to translate all pages and “I’m not a robot,” then select Register.

Once you have your parent account activated, you may login to assign your children to you and complete their required paperwork. To do so, locate and select ADD STUDENT. Enter the LEGAL NAME and other required information, then click CREATE STUDENT. Be sure to enter your child's correct school-issued email address (e.g. [email protected]). 

* If your student plans to participate in a sport, activity or club, click the checkbox for each. Then, click UPDATE after making your selection. Selections may be changed until the registration deadline.
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