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Home of the Crimson Flashes

Graduation Requirements

Through the Class of 2017 
Current Requirements:
To graduate from Willard High School, each student must attain 21 units of credit and of those 21 units, the following unit requirements must be achieved:
1.   4 units of English
2.   4 units of Math, including Algebra II
3.   3 units of Social Studies (1 American History and 1 Government/Economics)
4.   3 units of Science, including chemistry or some other advanced science
5.   ½ unit of Physical Education
6.   ½ unit of Health
7.   ½ unit of a Financial Literacy course (Personal Finance/Financial Management)
8.   ½ unit of Senior Project (Local requirement)
In addition, all students in the State of Ohio must pass all five sections of the Ohio Graduation Test (OGT) in order to receive a diploma. The sections include Reading, Math, Writing, Science, and Social Studies. Students can take the test for the first time in March of their sophomore year.
Once a student passes any given section, s/he does not have to take that section again, but must continue to take any sections not passed. If a student fails a section(s), s/he must continue to take that section(s) until all five sections are passed. This test is administered every October and March. An optional administration is given in the summer, usually in June.
Students who achieve all the necessary credits but do not pass the OGT (all five sections) cannot receive their diplomas nor participate in the graduation ceremony.
The State of Ohio does provide an exception for students who pass four of the five sections. If those students meet a number of criteria, they may be allowed to graduate. Details are available from the school principal or guidance counselors.
Beginning with the Class of 2018
New Graduation Requirements:
To graduate from Willard High School, each student must attain 21 units of credit and of those 21 units, the following unit requirements must be achieved:
1.   4 units of English
2.   4 units of Math, including Algebra II
3.   3 units of Social Studies (1 American History, 1 Government/Economics, and 1 World        History)
4.   3 units of Science, (including one unit of physical sciences, one unit of life sciences, and
       one unit chemistry or some other advanced science)
5.   ½ unit of Physical Education
6.   ½ unit of Health
7.   5 units of Electives
8.   ½ unit of a Financial Literacy course (Personal Finance/Financial Management)
9.   ½ unit of Senior Project (Local requirement)
In addition to course credits, students will earn points toward graduation on seven end-of-course exams. These exams will replace the Ohio Graduation Tests.: 
Algebra I and Geometry or Integrated Math I and II
Physical Science
American History and American Government
English I and English II
Students can earn from 1-5 points for each exam, based on their performance.
5 – Advanced
4 – Accelerated
3 – Proficient
2 – Basic
1 – Limited
Students who take Physical Science, American History or American Government as part of Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, college dual credit or Credit Flexibility programs can use their scores from the programs’ end-of-course exams in place of the state end-of-course exam scores to accumulate graduation points. Students must accumulate a minimum of 18 points from scores on their end of course exams to become eligible for a diploma.
Students must also meet one of the following three:
1. Earn a cumulative passing score on seven end-of-course exams. The scores will be set
    by the State Board of Education.
2. Earn a “remediation-free” score on a nationally recognized college admission exam such
    as ACT or SAT. The state of Ohio will pay for all 11th-grade students in the Class of 2018 and beyond to take the exam free of charge.
3. Earn a State Board of Education-approved, industry recognized credential or a state-
    issued license for practice in a career and achieve a score that demonstrates workforce
    readiness and employability on a job skills assessment.
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